Wash towel alpenrose
¥2,025 円
(税込¥2,228 円) ¥2,800 円
(税込¥3,080 円)
(税込¥2,228 円) ¥2,800 円
(税込¥3,080 円)
SKU 22081443
Alpine rose / green / Free -在庫あり
Alpine rose / Navy / Free -在庫あり
It is a plant of the Ericaceae family that means "rose of the Alps" in German! It is beautiful <br _mstmutation="1" _istranslated="1">Overflowing with vitality♪
[Size] 30 x 30cm
[Material] Cotton (chenille)
【made in china】
[Size] 30 x 30cm
[Material] Cotton (chenille)
【made in china】